Meet cocky little Boris. He is a scavenger by nature and by profession and we share the same desk. He is, before I forget, a German Cockroach. He has reluctantly taken up residence in the labyrinthine rubber contacts beneath my keyboard. Occasionally, he would venture out and traverse my computer keyboard coast to coast, from A to +, the brave little cur. Now, the default reaction to critters like my tenant Boris is a mixture of the triumph of the English language, the verbs scream and bludgeon, and nouns like makeshift cudgel and umbrella. But little Boris is innocent of such things. For as long as the novelty of Kings of Convenience in my MP3 player does not wear off, he has very little to fear.
posted by Alexis at 8:09 PM
Alexis said...
Utterly German, these pestilential creepy-crawlies are. Must've hitched a ride on the first few batches of volkswagen imports. Beetles and roaches. Ha! I kill me. :)
11:53 PM
kaye said...
oh goodness. what humor.
i can't believe ur letting him live in your keyboard. what if he pops up for a visit while you're typing?
eww.. major eww. :D i'll have julette go over and meet him sometime! :D kiddin!
12:40 AM
Alexis said...
Surely. But watch out for falling debris. Hehe. :)
12:34 AM
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